Wellness Tips

#wellnesswednesday thoughts for today…………

We all have an inner critic. At times this little voice can actually be helpful and keep us motivated toward goals. Then at other times this voice can often be more harmful than helpful when it comes to negative self-talk.

Here are 5 tips to minimize negative self-talk:

✔Remember That Thoughts and Feelings Aren’t Always Reality: Thinking negative things about yourself may feel like astute observations, but your thoughts and feelings about yourself can definitely not be considered accurate information.

✔Contain Your Negativity: If you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, it helps to contain the damage that a critical inner voice can cause by only allowing it to criticize certain things in your life.

✔Cross-Examine Your Inner Critic: It’s far better to catch your negative self-talk and ask yourself how true it really is.

✔Shift Your Perspective: Sometimes looking at things in the long term can help you to realize that you may be placing too great an emphasis on something.

✔Replace the Bad With Some Good: This can be one of the best routes to combating negative self-talk: replace it with something positive. Take a negative thought and change it to something encouraging that’s also accurate.

Most importantly – take care of you! If you don’t who will?